Friends are the people you grew up with and enjoyed meaningful experiences. They may or may not be talking with me now, especially if I ever dated them. But they will always be my friend and enjoy a place in my heart. In many cases this group of people defined who I am today. They gave me the wisdom and the experience to succeed in life. When I was broke with $5 in my pocket and two children to raise, friends proved me with job opportunities, babysitting, and food. To all of you listed below know that I will always love you. And to those who have wronged me in the past, even though I will not talk with you in this lifetime know that I still love you and wish the very best for you.
My Friends

Edward J. Muth
Ed moved in next to me 21 short years ago. He and his beautiful wife Susan were more like relatives than neighbors. They treated my children like they were their children. Susan died 10 years after they moved in. Ed and I became bachelor brothers who ate together at least 2 times a week. Ed was always the entertainer. He would sing and tell stores of his childhood and time in the military. Later in life we would take each other to the doctor. Ed was special and will always remain a part of my life.

Lissa Manning
There are not a whole lot of people you can say changed your life. Lissa was that person for me. She did so much for my family that words cannot describe how grateful we are that Lissa was part of our lives. She was the star salesperson for a large homebuilder when I meet her. She sold so many homes a month by herself that she could be the poster child for the term rock star realtor. She looked the part designer clothes, new cars, jewelry and a commanding personality. To make a long story short. She asked me to help her show homes one Saturday. At the end of day 4 buyers I showed homes to wrote contracts. I worked with Lissa for 7 months after that. We sold over 11 homes a month during that time. She taught me real estate, sales, and how to be a real estate professional. You could say I attended Lissa's boot camp. An army drill sergeant could not have been any tougher to me.

Lewis Dickson 3
...or Little Lewis as he was known by his Uncle Don is a very special friend. I remember growing up playing touch football with Lewis and watching Lewis play on the all-star little league baseball team. Lewis was a heck of a baseball player but his true talent was as an attorney. Lewis was always there for me when I needed him. Lewis is one of those rare people whose friends become a part of his family. Lewis I can truthfully say I have enjoyed every crazy minute of being a part of your extended family.

Kathryn Peters an abnormality. She is an energetic, smart, woman running a construction company in a man’s world. You would not believe how this woman can get people to work. She knows everything about construction and you cannot put anything over on her. For a non-wine drinker she is a lot of fun to be around. She is always coming up with ideas about how we can improve the world and have fun at the same time.

Tom Barrett
...and Eloise Barrett are two remarkable people. They were successful restaurateurs and have turned ranching into a profitable endeavor. Tom is one of those people who is not afraid to let you know what he believes to be right. He has so much energy that you don’t know in which direction he will be going next. I might not have always listened to it but I have to admit Tom gave me sound advice and was there when I needed him.

Cliff Hutchinson
...was the original wine guru in Houston. He had a beard before anyone else did and wore desert boots, blue jeans and a white shirt to work. He was into wine in the 1960’s which put him way ahead of everybody else. He and Mark Bermann were responsible for bringing many of the California wineries that we see today into Texas for the first time. I spent many day at Accent Wine Company going over the inventory with Cliff and testing the merchandise.

George O. Jackson Jr. my Muse. He is a talented photographer, an architect, entrepreneur, and a great story teller. His magnificent art work conveys the passion and zest with which he lives his life. His latest project features hallucinatory photos of a glass skull. He designed and built the Cadillac Bar in Houston so Texas alums would no longer have to drive to Laredo in the middle of the night.

Guy Stout
...or Uncle Guy as he is known to my kids is one of a kind. I never met a person who was more loved than Guy. When I first met him he owned a modest two bedroom condo in the Greenway Plaza area. It seemed like every winemaker and vineyard owner in California and France wanted to stay at Guy’s and not at a swanky hotel. Guy’s passion for wine and caring for his friends and family is legendary.

Bob Hale my unofficial mentor. He is the President/CEO of Houston Association of Realtors. Beyond this he is a visionary whose organization offers new technology and client driven goals to Realtors to help them be successful. In 2009 I took the Kool-Aid and decided to fully embrace his philosophy of Real Estate. I signed up for courses taught at HAR, UH, and attended many seminars about Houston, real estate, and technology. Bob’s passion for the industry became my passion and I can truly say he made me a better person and a better Realtor.