I am a real estate broker and arbitrator for Man-Edge Properties in Houston Texas. My work consists of helping clients buy and sell properties in the Greater Houston area. I have been a Houston resident all my life and currently reside in central Houston. I have been fortunate in my lifetime to see Houston change from a cow town to an international city.
Beyond my real estate work, I am a wine connoisseur and computer techie. My first website InnerLoopHouston.com took me 6 months to build and currently has over 400 pages of content. It has become a go to source of information about Houston Real Estate. I also built a second website HoustonForeclosureInsider.com which helps buyers find foreclosure properties.
I serve on The Houston Livestock Show Wine committee, Houston Association of Realtors Big E, Houston Independent Real Estate Association, Board of the Houston Fire Museum, and the Houston Association of political affairs.
On this website, you can learn about real estate, community events, wines, and Houston happenings. I thank you for taking the time to visit my personal website. You can also subscribe to my business page on Facebook by clicking http://www.facebook.com/innerlooprealestate.